Sept 11, 2007 2:10:02 GMT -5
Post by jacksonvillekid on Sept 11, 2007 2:10:02 GMT -5
Well it looks like myspace has gone goofy again or some of us have been hit by hijackers.....or whatever the hell they are. Susan had almost all of her pictures disappear on hers tonight. I am missing some text and a video on GLS Bookings. Sometimes this stuff comes back and sometimes it doesn't. Myspace is soooo huge that I'm surprised this stuff doesn't happen more often. About 3 weeks ago when Janet's page went wacko, I helped her get it put back together. It took me a couple of days because I couldn't remember what she had on it and basically had to start from scratch. I decided that since I have access to and help maintain 4 different myspaces that I wasn't going to be stuck re-doing them all in case it happened to them. So, here's what I did on 4 of them and maybe some of you oughta do it, too. I copied all of the codes in each section onto an email and sent them to myself......then put them in a separate folder. I did it again tonight on 3 because I've changed them a bit lately. So, it's just a suggestion and maybe some of you have already done it. I just think it's a good idea. Setting those things up once is a big enough pain in the ass........why would ya want to start all over!!
Sept 11, 2007 6:39:46 GMT -5
Post by hooty on Sept 11, 2007 6:39:46 GMT -5
Doing it for me is the hard part. I member when a hacker got into my page and started putting in this person su--s under some of my concert photos. One of my frients emailed me and let me know what werse going on. GREAT ADVICE boss
Sept 11, 2007 11:42:58 GMT -5
Post by Tony B. on Sept 11, 2007 11:42:58 GMT -5
yep back it up!!!! bout all you can do these days
Sept 12, 2007 6:04:55 GMT -5
Post by missy on Sept 12, 2007 6:04:55 GMT -5
I keep copies of code's on notepad now since I did get hijacked on my last page.
ALSO--- each time before you log in, put your cursor on the LOGIN button yall...check the address it give's you at the bottom of your screen before you click it or hit enter. Make sure that it is myspace! That's how they get you with phoney login pages.
It should say--> loginmyspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=.process&MyToken= with some numbers following
Change your password often
Sept 25, 2007 1:24:08 GMT -5
Post by jacksonvillekid on Sept 25, 2007 1:24:08 GMT -5
Well, it's a damn good thing I copied all that stuff on dsj myspace. Look what happened to it. I have no idea how it could get so messed up. Last time I was on there all I did was swap out a music player, that's all! I know I couldn't have screwed it up THIS bad. So, tomorrow if I feel better, I'll replace all of it with what I copied and sent to myself. Hope to God it works because I don't want to start all over. www.myspace.com/dsjukin
Sept 25, 2007 6:31:52 GMT -5
Post by missy on Sept 25, 2007 6:31:52 GMT -5
I haven't logged into my myspace in almost a week cuz the addy thing is different... the addy's startin off saying 'secure'... and that is not myspace's login.
Sept 26, 2007 20:28:19 GMT -5
Post by jacksonvillekid on Sept 26, 2007 20:28:19 GMT -5
You mean in the browser window or down below?
Sept 26, 2007 22:20:35 GMT -5
Post by missy on Sept 26, 2007 22:20:35 GMT -5
Down below on bottom left, right above your green start button. Anytime you hover your pointer over any link, an addy will pop up there.. same with the login link